Browse Books in Political Science

Questions of Order
Confederation and the Making of Modern Canada

The Global Politics of Poverty in Canada
Development Programs and Democracy, 1964-1979

Progress, Pluralism, and Politics
Liberalism and Colonialism, Past and Present

Canada and the Ukrainian Crisis

Canada's Fluid Borders
Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration

The New Climate Activism
NGO Authority and Participation in Climate Change Governance

The Ideology of Civic Engagement
AmeriCorps, Politics, and Pedagogy

Take a Number
How Citizens' Encounters with Government Shape Political Engagement

From Malaise to Meltdown
The International Origins of Financial Folly, 1844-

Negotiating Our Economic Future
Trade, Technology, and Diplomacy

Outsourcing Control
The Politics of International Migration Cooperation

The Canadian Federal Election of 2019

The Behaviorally Informed Organization

Trust and Mistrust in Civil Wars

Chicago's Industrial Decline
The Failure of Redevelopment, 1920-1975

Working in the Context of Austerity
Challenges and Struggles

Road to Redemption
The Liberal Party of Canada, 2006-2019

The Violence of Work
New Essays in Canadian and US Labour History

The Right to an Age-Friendly City
Redistribution, Recognition, and Senior Citizen Rights in Urban Spaces

Being and Swine
The End of Nature (As We Knew It)

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence
The Canadian Case

Creating Spaces of Engagement
Policy Justice and the Practical Craft of Deliberative Democracy

Political Ideologies in Contemporary Russia

A History of Political Thought
Property, Labor, and Commerce from Plato to Piketty