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Browse Books in Political Science

Democracy and Constitutions

Putting Citizens First

by (author) Allan C. Hutchinson

Canada as Statebuilder?

Development and Reconstruction Efforts in Afghanistan

by (author) Laura Grant & Benjamin Zyla

On Decline

Stagnation, Nostalgia, and Why Every Year is the Worst One Ever

by (author) Andrew Potter

Acquired Tastes

Stories about the Origins of Modern Food

edited by Benjamin R. Cohen, Michael S. Kideckel & Anna Zeide

The Resistance Dilemma

Place-Based Movements and the Climate Crisis

by (author) George Hoberg


Where to Live, What to Buy, and Who Will Lead Canada's Future

by (author) Darrell Bricker

The West and the Birth of Bangladesh

Foreign Policy in the Face of Mass Atrocity

by (author) Richard Pilkington

Women, Peace, and Security

Feminist Perspectives on International Security

edited by Caroline Leprince & Cassandra Steer
preface by Stéfanie von Hlatky

Group Interests, Individual Attitudes

How Group Memberships Shape Attitudes Towards the Welfare State

by (author) Michael J. Donnelly

The Bridge in the Parks

The Five Eyes and Cold War Counter-Intelligence

edited by Dennis G. Molinaro

Advancing Folkloristics

edited by Jesse A. Fivecoate, Kristina Downs & Meredith A.E. McGriff
contributions by Margaret A. Mills, Kay Turner, Andrea Kitta, Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, Cory W. Thorne, Guillermo De Los Reyes, Solimar Otero, Gregory Hansen, Betty J. Belanus, Phyllis M. May-Machunda, Anthony Guest-Scott, Anika Wilson, Wanda G. Addison, Debra Lattanzi Shutika, Lynne S. McNeill, Trevor J. Blank & Norma Elia Cantú

The Political Commissioner

A European Ethnography

by (author) Frédéric Mérand

La Charte / The Charter

La loi 101 et les Québécois d'expression anglaise / Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec

edited by Lorraine O'Donnell, Patrick Donovan & Brian Lewis

Unbound in War?

International Law in Canada and Britain's Participation in the Korean War and Afghanistan

by (author) Sean Richmond

Adorno, Politics, and the Aesthetic Animal

by (author) Caleb J. Basnett

Women, Power, and Political Representation

Canadian and Comparative Perspectives

edited by Roosmarijn de Geus, Erin Tolley, Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant & Peter John Loewen

Volume 1: Community and Society

contributions by Sarah Turner, Nguyen N. Binh, Abdellatif Qamhaieh, Carolina Sternberg, Sheere Kadez Brooks, Ferhan Gezici, Cansu İlhan, Prajwal Nagesh, Ajay Bailey, Sobin George, Lekha Subaiya, Hanna A. Ruszczyk, M. Feisal Rahman, Olga Matveieva, Vasil Navumau, Charlotte Lemanski, Jiska de Groot, Jeremy Auerbach, Jordin Clark, Solange Muñoz, Roberto Rocco, Higor Carvalho, Luciana Royer, Beatriz Kara-José, Ellen Bal, Lorraine Nencel, Hosna J. Shewly, Sanjeeb Drong, Nurul Azreen Azlan, Diotima Chattoraj, A.K.M. Ahsan Ullah, Mallik Akram Hossain, Sallie Yea, Robin Mazumder, Richardson Dilworth, Timothy P.R. Weaver, Jolanda Lindenberg, Paul van de Vijver, Lieke de Kock, David van Bodegom, Niels Bartels, Magdalena Svetlana Rodekirchen, Sawyer Phinney, Rebekah Graham, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Chrissie Cowan, Rose Wilkinson & Amanda Stevens
edited by Brian Doucet, Rianne van Melik & Pierre Filion

Fiscal Federalism in Multinational States

Autonomy, Equality, and Diversity

edited by François Boucher & Alain Noël

Residential Schools: Righting Canada's Wrongs

The Devastating Impact on Canada's Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Findings and Calls for Action

by (author) Melanie Florence

Constitutional Politics in Multinational Democracies

edited by André Lecours, Nikola Brassard-Dion & Guy Laforest

The Canadian Manifesto

How One Frozen Country Can Save the World

by (author) Conrad Black

Representing Radicals

A Guide for Lawyers and Movements

by (author) Tilted Scales Collective

Plastic Legacies

Pollution, Persistence, and Politics

edited by Trisia Farrelly, Sy Taffel & Ian Shaw

Holidays of the Revolution

Communist Identity in Israel, 1919-1965

by (author) Amir Locker-Biletzki

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