Browse Books in Political Science

The Road to Armageddon
Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70

Dignity, Democracy, Development
A Citizen's Reader

Financing Infrastructure
Who Should Pay?

A Healthy Society, Updated and Expanded Edition
How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy

History, Politics, and Reproductive Justice after Morgentaler

Under Siege
The Independent Labour Party in Interwar Britain

Too Critical to Fail
How Canada Manages Threats to Critical Infrastructure

A Liberal Theory of Collective Rights

Ottawa, lieu de vie français

The Democracy Cookbook
Recipes to Renew Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador

Globalizing Confederation
Canada and the World in 1867

Domestic Colonies
The Colonial Turn Inward

Truth and Indignation
Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools, Second Edition

Hunting the Northern Character

Give and Take
The Citizen-Taxpayer and the Rise of Canadian Democracy

Unsettling the Commons
Social Movements Within, Against, and Beyond Settler Colonialism

Montreal, City of Water
An Environmental History

Securitized Citizens
Canadian Muslims' Experiences of Race Relations and Identity Formation Post-9/11

Multi-Level Electoral Politics
Beyond the Second-Order Election Model

Scarce Women and Surplus Men in China and India
Macro Demographics versus Local Dynamics

Look Who's Watching, Revised Edition
Surveillance, Treachery and Trust Online

The Campbell Revolution?
Power, Politics, and Policy in British Columbia

Roads to Confederation
The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 1

Is This the End of the Liberal International Order?
The Munk Debate on Geopolitics