Browse Books in Subjects & Themes

Nova Scotia from the Air
Then and Now

We Love Nova Scotia
A People's Portrait

Things Come Apart
A Teardown Manual for Modern Living

Justin Bieber
Steps to Stardom

Algonquin Wild

Projecting Citizenship
Photography and Belonging in the British Empire

Alberta Book
Photographs by George Webber

Shooting War
18 Profiles of Conflict Photographers

Ned Pratt
One Wave

Time Travel in North Vancouver
A peek into the past (2nd Ed.)

The Eye
How the World’s Most Influential Creative Directors Develop Their Vision

Burtynsky, Baichwal, de Pencier

They Fought in Colour / La Guerre en couleur
A New Look at Canada's First World War Effort / Nouveau regard sur le Canada dans la Première Guerre mondiale

The Homesteaders

Northern Light
The Arctic and Subarctic Photography of Dave Brosha

The Lost City
Ian MacEachern's Photographs of Saint John

Portraits of a Vanishing Canada

The Endings
Photographic Stories of Love, Loss, Heartbreak, and Beginning Again

The Hidden Life of Trees
The Illustrated Edition

The Future of Tennis
A Photographic Celebration of the Men’s Tour

Bird Brains
The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays

Wilderness Paddling 2019

The Canadian Landscape / Le Paysage Canadien 2019
Bilingual (English/French]