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Niniskamijinaqik / Ancestral Images

The Mi'kmaq in Art and Photography

by (author) Ruth Holmes Whitehead

Mike Grandmaison's Ontario

by (author) Mike Grandmaison


The Big Land

by (author) Dennis Minty

Frontier Town: Bear River, Nova Scotia

A Snapshot in Time

by (author) Mike Parker

The Little Book of New Brunswick

by (author) Brian Atkinson

Brickle, Nish, and Knobby

A Newfoundland Treasury of Terms for Ice and Snow

by (author) Marlene Creates

The Little Book of Nova Scotia

by (author) Len Wagg


An Island Apart

by (author) Dennis Minty

Brickle, Nish and Knobbly

A Newfoundland Treasury of Terms for Ice and Snow

by (author) Marlene Creates

Wascana Lake Through 4 Seasons

by (author) Sheena Simonson

Early Architecture of the Town & Township of Niagara

Introductions by Viscount Linley, Peter Stokes and Julian Smith

by (author) The Niagara Foundation
introduction by Linley, Julian Smith & Peter Strokes

Montreal Then and Now

by (author) Alan Hustak & Johanne Durocher Norchet

New York Burlesque

Photographs by Roy Kemp

photographs by Roy Kemp

Beautiful Destruction

by (photographer) Louis Helbig

Exotic Places & Faces

by (photographer) George Fischer

Legacy in Time

Three Generations of Mountain Photography in the Canadian West

by (photographer) Henry Vaux Jr.


Chronicle of a North Country Life

by (author) Beth Powning

Rails Around the Rock

A Then and Now Celebration of the Newfoundland Branchlines

by (author) Kenneth Pieroway

A Halifax Boyhood

Growing up on the city's outskirts in the 1940s and 50s

by (author) Malcolm MacLeod
with William D. Naftel

Great Bear Wild

Dispatches from a Northern Rainforest

by (author) Ian McAllister
foreword by Robert Kennedy Jr.

United States of LEGO®

A Brick Tour of America

by (photographer) Jeff Friesen

Prince Edward Island: Landscape and Light

by (photographer) John Sylvester

The Men of Inkedkenny

by (author) inkedKenny

Au fil des saisons

Regards sur l'abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac

by (author) Dom Jacques Côté

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