Browse Books in Television

A Necessary Distance
Confessions of a Scriptwriter’s Daughter

Shakespeare and the World of “Slings & Arrows”
Poetic Faith in a Postmodern Age

101 Fascinating Canadian Film and TV Facts

Original People, Original Television
The Launching of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

What Television Remembers
Artifacts and Footprints of TV in Toronto

Welcome to the Parade

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing
A Memoir

Autism in Film and Television
On the Island

Perspectives on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Nuanced Postnetwork Television
Clary Croft
My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore

Clary Croft
My Charmed Life in Music, Art, and Folklore

The Modern Actor’s Handbook

Silver Hair and Golden Voice
Austin Willis, from Halifax to Hollywood

Silver Hair and Golden Voice
Austin Willis, from Halifax to Hollywood

Stars and Silhouettes
The History of the Cameo Role in Hollywood

Who Is The Doctor 2
The Unofficial Guide to Doctor Who — The Modern Series

The End of the CBC?

The Twilight Zone

Amazon Fire TV For Dummies

Professional Wrestling in the Digital Age

Learn to Love Your Screenplay Again

Television Finales
From Howdy Doody to Girls

The Kids in the Hall
One Dumb Guy

The Adman's Dilemma
From Barnum to Trump