Browse Books in Allied Health Services

Guideposts of Occupational Therapy

Functional and Occupational Performance in Older Adults

Wheeling in Good Hands
Wholistic Massage for Wheelchair Users
Health Promotion in Canada
Theory and Practice in Context

Research Methods in Kinesiology

Research for Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences

Shame 4.0
Investigating an Emotion in Digital Worlds and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Past Life Regression
A Manual for Hypnotherapists to Conducted Effective Past Life Regression Sessions

Learning to Lead in Physical Therapy

An Introduction to Mental Health and Illness
Critical Perspectives

How (not) to train the brain
Enhancing what's between your ears with (and without) science

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Fundamentals and Applications

Guideposts of Occupational Therapy

Social Determinants of Health
A Comparative Approach

COPM Measure - Packet of 100

COPM Manual and Packet of Measures Combo Buy

COPM Measure - Packet of 500

COPM Manual

Introduction to Health Informatics
A Canadian Perspective

Gene Delivery, Imaging and Evaluation Systems

Birthing in Good Hands
Holistic Massage for Pregnancy, Labor, and Babies

Artificial Hearts
The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology

Between Life & Death
Surviving the Darkness

Caretakers & Lifesavers
My Memoirs - To Hell and Back