Browse Books in Semiotics & Theory
Robert Browning's Language
Analyzing Cultures
An Introduction and Handbook
Reading Theatre
Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa
The Sign in Theory and Practice
An Introductory Reader in Semiotics
Literary Pluralities
Sign, Thought, and Culture
A Basic Course in Semiotics
The Hermeneutics of Poetic Sense
The Language of the Self
The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis
Earthquakes and Explorations
Language and Painting from Cubism to Concrete Poetry
Earthquakes and Explorations
Language and Painting from Cubism to Concrete Poetry
Meaning and Textuality
Semantics and the Body
Meaning from Frege to the Postmodern
New Contexts of Canadian Criticism
The Textual Society
Reading Eco
An Anthology
Semiotics and the Modern Quebec Novel
A Greimassian analysis of Th?riault's Agaguk
Freud and the Passions
Fictions of Discourse
Reading Narrative Theory
Foregrounded Description in Prose Fiction
Five Cross-Literary Studies
Foregrounded Description in Prose Fiction
Five Cross-Literary Studies
Allegories of Kingship
Calderón and the Anti-Machiavellian Tradition
Essais en l'honneur d' Henry Schogt
Theatre Semiotics
Text and Staging in Modern Theatre