Browse Books in Middle Eastern

Of Lost Cities
The Maghribī Poetic Imagination

Women, Art, and Literature in the Iranian Diaspora

Breaking Broken English
Black-Arab Literary Solidarities and the Politics of Language

Investigating Turkey
Detective Fiction and Turkish Nationalism, 1928–1945

Knights in Arms
Prose Romance, Masculinity, and Eastern Mediterranean Trade in Early Modern England, 1565-1655

Familiar and Foreign
Identity in Iranian Film and Literature

Humor in Middle Eastern Cinema

A Sea of Languages
Rethinking the Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History

Standing by the Ruins
Elegiac Humanism in Wartime and Postwar Lebanon

Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction

The Essential Tawfiq al-Hakim

Edward Said at the Limits

Stranger Gods
Salman Rushdie's Other Worlds

John Clare and the Bounds of Circumstance