Browse Books in Medieval

Cataloguing Discrepancies
The Printed York Breviary of 1493

The Poetics of Dante's Paradiso

Against Reproduction
Where Renaissance Poems Come From

Wonderful to Relate
Miracle Stories and Miracle Collecting in High Medieval England

Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature
Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming

Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition

Old English Liturgical Verse
A Student Edition

Dante's Journey to Polyphony

New Readings in the Vercelli Book

Boccaccio's Expositions on Dante's Comedy

Against Reproduction
Where Renaissance Texts Come From

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 1: The Medieval Period - Second Edition
Volume 1: The Medieval Period

Printing the Middle Ages

Virginity Revisited
Configurations of the Unpossessed Body

Manuscript Diversity, Meaning, and Variance in Juan Manuel's El Conde Lucanor

The History of King Richard the Third
A Reading Edition

Latin Learning and English Lore (Volumes I & II)
Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature for Michael Lapidge

Dante & the Unorthodox
The Aesthetics of Transgression
Families of the King
Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

'A Great Effusion of Blood'?
Interpreting Medieval Violence

Saints and the Audience in Middle English Biblical Drama

Seeing Through the Veil
Optical Theory and Medieval Allegory

Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office
A Guide to their Organization and Terminology

Before Malory
Reading Arthur in Later Medieval England