Browse Books in European

Lawrence, Greene and Lowry
The Fictional Landscape of Mexico

The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900

Blaise Cendrars
Discovery and Re-creation

Blaise Cendrars
Discovery and Re-creation

The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900

The Practical Vision
Essays in English Literature in Honour of Flora Roy

The Gaelic Vision in Scottish Culture
La Littérature Occitane du Moyen Age
Bibliographie Sélective et Critique

The Lear World
A study of King Lear in its dramatic context

The Lear World
A study of King Lear in its dramatic context

Structure and Meaning in Hamlet

Myth and Reality in Irish Literature

Sémantique synchronique
synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

Science and the Human Comedy
Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis

Sémantique synchronique
synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

Bibliographie de la Critique sur Emile Zola, 1864-1970

Science and the Human Comedy
Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis

Letters from the Grand Tour

Chaucer, Spenser, Milton
Mythopoeic Continuities and Transformations

Balzac's Recurring Characters

Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío

Althochdeutsche Glossen
Nachtrage / Old High German glosses

Some Facets of King Lear
Essays in Prismatic Criticism