Browse Books in Books & Reading
A Study in Parallels
A New Translation Arranged and Annotated For The General Reader
Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts
Papers given at the Editorial Conference University of Toronto, October 1967
The Narreme in the Medieval Romance Epic
An Introduction to Narrative Structures
The University as Publisher
Readings from the Wreck
Labrador, A Reader's Guide
The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition
For the Encouragement of Learning
The Origins of Canadian Copyright Law
For the Encouragement of Learning
The Origins of Canadian Copyright Law
On Browsing
The Vanishing Signs
Unpacking the Personal Library
The Public and Private Life of Books
Women, Writing, Woolf
Media Critique in the Age of Gillray
Scratches, Scraps, and Spectres
Beowulf as Children's Literature
Making Pictorial Print
Media Literacy and Mass Culture in British Magazines, 1885-1918
The Language of Trauma
War and Technology in Hoffmann, Freud, and Kafka
Lazarillo de Tormes
A Graphic Novel
Mrs Dalgairns's Kitchen
Rediscovering "The Practice of Cookery"
All the Feels / Tous les sens
Affect and Writing in Canada / Affect et écriture au Canada
Outside and Inside
Race and Identity in White Jazz Autobiography
Experiments in Distant Influence
Notes and Poems