Browse Books in Letters
A Glorious and Terrible Life With You
Selected Correspondence of Northrop Frye and Helen Kemp, 1932-1939
After Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery's Letters to Ephraim Weber, 1916-1941
Inside a Gestapo Prison
The Letters of Krystyna Wituska, 1942-1944
The Book Of Love Letters
Canadian Kinship, Friendship, And Romance
In Translation
The Gabrielle Roy-Joyce Marshall Correspondence
Florence Nightingale’s Theology: Essays, Letters and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 3
The Correspondence of Iu Samarin and Baroness Rahden
Haven’t Any News
Ruby’s Letters from the Fifties
Pierre M. Irving and Washington Irving
A Collaboration in Life and Letters
The Life Writings of Mary Baker McQuesten
Victorian Matriarch
Corresponding Influence
Selected Letters of Emily Carr and Ira Dilworth
Between Friends: A Year in Letters
A Year in Letters
The Book of War Letters
100 Years of Private Canadian Correspondence
Correspondance générale d'Helvétius, Volume V
Appendices et Index
Between Friends
Intimate Strangers
The Letters of Margaret Laurence and Gabrielle Roy
The Book of Letters
150 Years of Private Canadian Correspondence
Yours, Al
The Collected Letters of Al Purdy
Sojourning Sisters
The Lives and Letters of Jessie and Annie McQueen
Marian Engel
Life in Letters
The Life Writings of Mary Baker McQuesten
Victorian Matriarch
Engendering the Republic of Letters
Reconnecting Public and Private Spheres in Eighteenth-Century Europe