Browse Books in Criminal Law
The Law of Evidence
International and Transnational Criminal Law
Searching for Justice
An Autobiography
Youth Criminal Justice Law 2/e
Criminal Law 4/e
Negotiating Responsibility
Law, Murder, and States of Mind
Criminal Artefacts
Governing Drugs and Users
Negotiating Responsibility
Law, Murder, and States of Mind
Juvie: Inside Canada's Youth Jails
Mental Health Courts
Decriminalizing the Mentally Ill
Mental Disorder and the Law
A Primer for Legal and Mental Health Professionals
Behind Bars
Inside Ontario's Heritage Gaols
Delayed Prosecution for Childhood Sexual Abuse
Justice for Young Offenders
Their Needs, Our Responses
Law and Risk
Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada
Crime and Deviance in Canada
Historical Perspectives
The Crime That Pays
Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in Canada
Counsel for the Defence
The Bernard Cohn Memorial Lectures in Criminal Law
Understanding Section 8
Search, Seizure, and the Canadian Constitution
Justice Defiled
Perverts, Potheads, Serial Killers & Lawyers
International Justice and the International Criminal Court
Between Sovereignty and the Rule of Law
The Peculiar Kidnapping of Beer Tycoon John Labatt