Browse Books in Law

Hard Cases in Wicked Legal Systems
Pathologies of Legality

Legality's Borders
An Essay in General Jurisprudence

Canada's Indigenous Constitution

The British Columbia Court of Appeal
The First Hundred Years
International and Transnational Criminal Law

Wills and Estate Planning For Canadians For Dummies

Civil Litigation

The Essential Guide to Mooting
A Handbook for Law Students

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 46, 2008

The Courts, the Charter, and the Schools
The Impact of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Educational Policy and Practice, 1982-2007

Judicial Control in the European Union
Reforming Jurisdiction in the Intergovernmental Pillars

Hollywood Dealmaking
Negotiating Talent Agreements for Film, TV and New Media

The Writing on the Wall
Chinese and Japanese Immigration to BC, 1920

Evidence, Proof, and Fact-Finding in WTO Dispute Settlement

Multi-Party Litigation
The Strategic Context

Put the Pen Down!
What Homebuyers and Sellers Need to Know Before Signing on the Dotted Line

Power, Problems, and Politics

The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism

Colonial Proximities
Crossracial Encounters and Juridical Truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921

Contested Constitutionalism
Reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Arbitration Law Reports and Review Series Pack (2001-2006)

A Perilous Imbalance
The Globalization of Canadian Law and Governance

Regulating Transnational Corporations in Domestic and International Regimes
An African Case Study

Making Equality Rights Real
Securing Substantive Equality under the Charter