Browse Books in Colonial Period (1600-1775)
Movements of Political Protest in Canada 1640-1840
Revolution by Fire
New York's Afro-Irish Uprising of 1741, a Graphic Novel
Prophet Against Slavery
Benjamin Lay, A Graphic Novel
– From Columbus to Louisbourg
The Colonial Evolution of Atlantic Canada and New England
Oak Island and its Lost Treasure
Movements of Political Protest in Canada 1640-1840
The Creation of the British Atlantic World
Revisiting 1759
The Conquest of Canada in Historical Perspective
Remembering 1759
The Conquest of Canada in Historical Memory
The Spanish Army in North America 1700-1793
Heroes of the Acadian Resistance
The Story of Joseph Beausoleil Broussard and Pierre II Surette 1702-1765
The Hanging Of Angelique
The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the Burning of Old Montreal
The Forts of Colonial North America
British, Dutch and Swedish colonies
Commerce by a Frozen Sea
Native Americans and the European Fur Trade
The Long Road to Change
America's Revolution, 1750-1820
The Hanging Of Angelique
Ghost Empire
How the French Almost Conquered North America
The Autobiography of Ashley Bowen (1728-1813)
Longitude and Empire
How Captain Cook's Voyages Changed the World
Monongahela 1754-55
Washington's defeat, Braddock's disaster
Wolfe and Montcalm
Their Lives, Their Times, and the Fate of a Continent
The Fall of New France
How the French lost a North American empire 1754-1763
The Weaver's Craft
Cloth, Commerce, and Industry in Early Pennsylvania
The Invention of Comfort
Sensibilities and Design in Early Modern Britain and Early America