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Browse Books in United States

Murdering Holiness

The Trials of Franz Creffield and George Mitchell

by (author) Jim Phillips & Rosemary Gartner

White Water Skippers of the North

The Barringtons

by (author) Nancy Ferrell

Industrializing the Corn Belt

Agriculture, Technology, and Environment, 1945-1972

by (author) J.L. Anderson

Griffith Taylor

Visionary, Environmentalist, Explorer

by (author) Carolyn Strange & Alison Bashford

Raise the Flag and Sound the Cannon

by (author) Donald Davison

Rigorous Intuition

What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them

by (author) Jeff Wells

Arizona Trivia

Weird, Wacky and Wild

by (author) Paul Soderberg & Lisa Wojna

Performing the Pilgrims

A Study of Ethnohistorical Role-Playing at Plimoth Plantation

by (author) Stephen Eddy Snow
foreword by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett

Nixon in the World

American Foreign Relations, 1969-1977

edited by Fredrik Logevell & Andrew Preston

Voices Raised in Protest

Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49

by (author) Stephanie Bangarth

Weird & Wacky Washington Places

by (author) Bree Coven Brown & Lisa Wojna

A Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac

by (author) Francis M. Wafer & Cheryl A. Wells

The Corporate Eye

Photography and the Rationalization of American Commercial Culture, 1884-1929

by (author) Elspeth H. Brown


across the American West 1850-1920

by (author) John A. Sells

Through the Children's Gate

A Home in New York

by (author) Adam Gopnik

Stepping Stones to Nowhere

The Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and American Military Strategy, 1867-1945

by (author) Galen Perras

Nixon in China

The Week That Changed The World

by (author) Margaret MacMillan

Oregon Trivia

Weird, Wacky and Wild

by (author) Mark Thorburn & Lisa Wojna

Into the Savage Land

The Alaskan Journal of Edward Adams

by (author) Ernest Sipes


Chief Warrior of the Allegany Senecas

by (author) Thomas S. Abler

The Long Road to Change

America's Revolution, 1750-1820

by (author) Eric Nellis

Black Hawk

The Battle for the Heart of America

by (author) Kerry A. Trask

The Hanging Of Angelique

by (author) Afua Cooper

Ghost Empire

How the French Almost Conquered North America

by (author) Philip Marchand

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