Browse Books in Native American
Keeping the Lakes' Way
Reburial and Re-creation of a Moral World among an Invisible People
Looking West
Photographing the Canadian Prairies, 1858 - 1957
Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario
Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario
Tangled Webs of History
Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries
The Origin of Death
Remembering the Years of My Life
Journeys of a Labrador Inuit Hunter
Fraser Canyon Histories 1808-1939
First Nations of the Plains
Creative, Adaptable and Enduring
Franz Boas with the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883-1884
Journals and Letters
Plant Technology of the First Peoples of British Columbia
Earth, Water, Air and Fire
Studies in Canadian Ethnohistory
Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
Essays on Law, Equality and Respect for Difference
A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk
Stolen from Our Embrace
The Abduction of First Nations Children and the Restoration of Aboriginal Communities
Legends of Our Times
Native Cowboy Life
The Dynamics of Native Politics
The Alberta Metis Experience
A Death Feast in Dimlahamid
Tom Three Persons
Legend of an Indian Cowboy
Incorporating the Familiar
An Investigation into Legal Sensibilities in Nunavik
Legends of Vancouver
As Their Natural Resources Fail
Native Peoples and the Economic History of Northern Manitoba, 1870-1930
The Enigma of Cannibalism on the Pacific NW Coast