Browse Books in Veterans
The Roosting Box
Rebuilding the Body after the First World War
Reliving the Trenches
Memory Plays by Veterans of the Great War
Reliving the Trenches
Memory Plays by Veterans of the Great War
Days of Victory
Canadians Remember, 1939-1945 Sixtieth Anniversary Edition
Canada 1919
A Nation Shaped by War
Combat Mission Kandahar
The Canadian Experience in Afghanistan
Better Off Dead
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Canadian Armed Forces
Better Off Dead
We Were Freedom
Canadian Stories of the Second World War
Veterans with a Vision
Canada’s War Blinded in Peace and War
Triquet's Cross
A Study of Military Heroism
The Jack Ford Story
Newfoundland's POW in Nagasaki
Winning the Second Battle
Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life 1915-1930
Winning the Second Battle
Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life 1915-1930