Browse Books in Military
Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914-1919
Strangers in Arms
Combat Motivation in the Canadian Army, 1943-1945
Canadian Forces in Afghanistan 3-Book Bundle
No Easy Task / No Ordinary Men / No Lack of Courage
No Ordinary Men
Special Operations Forces Missions in Afghanistan
Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914-1919
Italy 1636
Cemetery of Armies
A Most Ungentlemanly Way of War
The SOE and the Canadian Connection
Dagger Fighting
A Nation in Conflict
Canada and the Two World Wars
Forgotten Sacrifice
The Arctic Convoys of World War II
A Nation in Conflict
Canada and the Two World Wars
Women and War in Antiquity
Gendered Militarism in Canada
Learning Conformity and Resistance
Alan Bowker's Canadian Heritage 2-Book Bundle
A Time Such as There Never Was Before / On the Front Line of Life
Maestro of Science
Omond McKillop Solandt and Government Science in War and Hostile Peace, 1939-1956
Maritime Command Pacific
The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War
Driv'n by Fortune
The Scots' March to Modernity in America, 1745–1812
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1919
Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War
Through Blood and Sweat
A Remembrance Trek across Sicily's World War II Battlegrounds
The Long Run
The Great War
From Memory to History
Better Off Dead
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Canadian Armed Forces