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The Allegiance of Thomas Hobbes

by (author) Jeffrey R. Collins

Monarchisms in the Age of Enlightenment

Liberty, Patriotism, and the Common Good

edited by Hans W. Blom, J.C. Laursen & Luisa Simonutti

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

edited by Louis Knafla

The History of King Richard the Third

A Reading Edition

edited by George M. Logan

Cross-Cultural Encounters on the Ukrainian Steppe

Settling the Molochna Basin, 1784-1861

by (author) John R. Staples

A Thousand Shall Fall

The True Story of a Canadian Bomber Pilot in World War Two

by (author) Murray Peden

Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France

by (author) Henry Heller

Male witches in early modern Europe

by (author) Lara Apps & Andrew Gow

For Health and Beauty

Physical Culture for Frenchwomen, 1880s-1930s

by (author) Mary Lynn Stewart

La Segunda Version de La vida es sueno, de Calderon

edited by German Vega Garcia-Luengos, D.W. Cruickshank & J.M. Ruano de la Haza

Humanism and the Northern Renaissance

edited by Kenneth Bartlett & Margaret McGlynn

The Well-Protected Domains

Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909

by (author) Selim Deringil

Spanish History since 1808

edited by Jose Alvarez Junco & Adrian Shubert

Violence, Custom and Law

The Anglo-Scottish Border Lands in the Later Middle Ages

by (author) Cynthia J. Neville

Origin and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England

by (author) Alvin Snider

Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment

edited by Michael Hunter & David Wootton

The Soderini and the Medici

Power and Patronage in Fifteenth-Century Florence

by (author) Paula C. Clarke

Navies, Deterrence, and American Independence

Britain and Sea Power in the 1760s and 1770s

by (author) Nicholas Tracy

The Belgians in Ontario

A History

by (author) Joan Magee

The Coming of French Absolutism

The Struggle for Tax Reform in the Province of Dauphiné 1540-1640

by (author) Daniel Hickey

Crime and the Courts in England 1660-1800

by (author) J.M. Beattie

The Love of a Prince

Bonnie Prince Charlie in France 1744-1748

by (author) Laurence L. Bongie

Transportation In Western Siberia

by (author) North

The Moselle

River and Canal from the Roman Empire to the European Economic Community

by (author) Jean Cermakian

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