Browse Books in Europe
The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia dell'Arte Stage
Meet Me in Venice
A Chinese Immigrant's Journey from the Far East to the Faraway West
A Great Rural Sisterhood
Madge Robertson Watt and the ACWW
Tennyson's Language
The praier and complaynte of the ploweman unto Christe
The German Right, 1860–1920
Political Limits of the Authoritarian Imagination
From Tolerance to Tyranny
A Cautionary Tale from Fifteenth-Century Spain
Enlightening Encounters
Photography in Italian Literature
Landscapes in Between
Environmental Change in Modern Italian Literature and Film
Scotland's Pariah
The Life and Work of John Pinkerton, 1758-1826
The Land of Weddings and Rain
Nation and Modernity in Post-Socialist Lithuania
Tell It to the World
International Justice and the Secret Campaign to Hide Mass Murder in Kosovo
Gathering a Heritage
Ukrainian, Slavonic, and Ethnic Canada and the USA
Stillness in Motion
Italy, Photography, and the Meanings of Modernity
Resistance and Survival
The Jewish Community in Kaunas 1941-1944
Historical Essay on the Neapolitan Revolution of 1799
The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
A Two Volume Set
Anthropologists and Their Traditions across National Borders
Corporate Character
Representing Imperial Power in British India, 1786-1901
Benjamin Disraeli Letters
1868, Volume X
The Truth About St Kilda
An Islander's Memoir
The English In Canada Historical 3-Book Bundle
Planters, Paupers, and Pioneers / Seeking a Better Future / Ignored but not Forgotten
The Viking Age
A Reader, Second Edition
Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas
Textualities, Intellectual Disputes, Intercultural Transfer