Browse Books in Canada
The Billion-Dollar Game

Essays on Western History

Canada's Unions

Reply to the Report of the Earl of Durham
The Bad and the Lonely
Seven Stories of the Best--and Worst--Canadian Outlaws
Winnipeg 1919
The Strikers' Own History of the Winnipeg General Strike: Second Edition

Material history bulletin no. 1 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 1

Eighteenth Century Newfoundland
A Geographer's Perspective

Zouaves pontificaux canadiens

Un rite saisonnier

Kingston cabinetmakers, 1800-1867

The Frog Lake "Massacre"
Personal Perspectives on Ethnic Conflict

Structural changes of two Chinese communities in Alberta, Canada

Quelques boutiques de menuisiers et charpentiers au tournant du XIXe siecle

Bibliography for the study of British Columbia's domestic material history

Man's Impact on the Western Canadian Landscape

Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

Parliament of women
The National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1929

The Unfinished Revolution

The Great Wave of Civilization

Winners, Losers
The 1976 Tory Leadership Convention

The Renaissance of Canadian History
A Biography of A.L. Burt
N.W. Rowell
Ontario Nationalist

The Niagara Escarpment
From Tobermory to Niagara Falls