Browse Books in Canada
Eighteenth Century Newfoundland
A Geographer's Perspective
Kingston cabinetmakers, 1800-1867
Material history bulletin no. 1 / Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle no 1
Parliament of women
The National Council of Women of Canada, 1893-1929
Bibliography for the study of British Columbia's domestic material history
Structural changes of two Chinese communities in Alberta, Canada
Un rite saisonnier
Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli
Quelques boutiques de menuisiers et charpentiers au tournant du XIXe siecle
Zouaves pontificaux canadiens
The Bad and the Lonely
Seven Stories of the Best--and Worst--Canadian Outlaws
The Renaissance of Canadian History
A Biography of A.L. Burt
N.W. Rowell
Ontario Nationalist
The Niagara Escarpment
From Tobermory to Niagara Falls
The Renaissance of Canadian History
A Biography of A.L. Burt
The Niagara Escarpment
From Tobermory to Niagara Falls
The Reminiscences of Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken
A History of Kitchener, Ontario
Women of British Columbia
A Social History of Urban Growth, 1874-1914
Bridging the Gulf
A Hilarious Look at Life in the Gulf Islands
British Columbia's Logging History