Browse Books in Canada

The Lord's Distant Vineyard
A History of the Oblates and the Catholic Community in British Columbia

Canada: The State of the Federation, 1999-2000
Toward a New Mission Statement for Canadian Fiscal Federation

Where the Mountains Meet the Prairies
A History of Waterton Country

From Burleigh to Boschink
A Community Called Stony Lake

The Mazinaw Experience
Bon Echo and Beyond

Nuu-chah-nulth Voices, Histories, Objects & Journeys
Saskatoon's History in Street Names

No Ordinary Academics
Economics and Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan,1910-1960

Engendering The State
Family, Work, and Welfare in Canada

Steamboat Connections
Montreal to Upper Canada, 1816-1843

Cowboys, Ranchers and the Cattle Business
Cross-Border Perspectives on Ranching History

What's in a Canadian Name?
The Origins and Meanings of Canadian Surnames

William R. McIntyre
Paladin of Common Law

Gold & Grand Dreams
Cariboo East in the Early Years

Vancouver and Beyond
During the Golden Age of Postcards 1900-1914

Castles in the Air
Music and Stories of British Columbia's 1860s Gold Rush
Early Photographs of our National Parks

White Slaves of Maquinna
John R. Jewitt's Narrative of Capture and Confinement at Nootka

The Portuguese in Canada
Diasporic Challenges and Adjustment

Alberta's North
A History, 1890-1950

On The Street Where You Live
Victoria's Early Roads and Railways

If I Could Turn and Meet Myself
The Life of Alden Nowlan

The War of 1812
The War That Both Sides Won

Citizens and Nation
An Essay on History, Communication, and Canada