Browse Books in Canada
West Side Stories
Deportation of the Acadians
Historic Guysborough
Historic Churches of PEI (2nd Ed)
Scottish Lights
The Slocan; Portrait of a Valley
The Romance of Alberta Settlements
Prairie Twins
Alberta and Saskatchewan Photographic Memories, 1905–2005
Ontario Murders
Mysteries, Scandals, and Dangerous Criminals
Toward the Charter
Canadians and the Demand for a National Bill of Rights, 1929-1960
Where the Land Gets Broken
Deadly Innocent
Urban street furniture in Canada
Clifton Royal
The Wetmores and village life in nineteenth-century New Brunswick
La Gouvernance linguistique
Le Canada en perspective
Toute une histoire
Les boîtes aux lettres canadiennes
Reporting the Resistance
Alexander Begg and Joseph Hargrave on the Red River Resistance
Reporting the Resistance
Alexander Begg and Joseph Hargrave on the Red River Resistance
First Drafts
Eyewitness Accounts from Our Past
Plateaus of Freedom
Nationality, Culture, and State Security in Canada, 1940-1960
At Odds
Gambling and Canadians, 1919-1969
A Heritage of Light
Lamps and Lighting in the Early Canadian Home
Candid Eyes
Essays on Canadian Documentaries
Mary of Canada
Virgin Mary in Canadian Culture, Spirituality, History and Geography