Browse Books in Canada

Tides of Change on Grand Manan Island
Culture and Belonging in a Fishing Community

Two Houses Half-Buried in Sand
Oral Traditions of the Hul'q'umi'num' Coast Salish of Kuper Island and Vancouver Island

Tidal Passages
A History of the Discovery Islands

York University
The Way Must Be Tried

Views from Fort Battleford
Constructed Visions of an Anglo-Canadian West

Obsessed with Language
A Sociolinguistic History of Quebec

Crisis of Conscience
Conscientious Objection in Canada during the First World War

A Short History of Newfoundland and Labrador

Fortune's A River
The Collision of Empires in Northwest America
Loyalties in Conflict
A Canadian Borderland in War and Rebellion,1812-1840

A Son of the Fur Trade
The Memoirs of Johnny Grant

Railways of Southern Quebec:
From the Richelieu to the Chaudière

Reasoning Otherwise
Leftists and the People’s Enlightenment in Canada, 1890-1920

William Wye Smith
Recollections of a Nineteenth Century Scottish Canadian

A Gentlewoman in Upper Canada
The Journals, Letters and Art of Anne Langton

The Early Northwest

Gold Dust On His Shirt
The True Story of an Immigrant Mining Family

The Unfinished Canadian
The People We Are

Unlikely Utopia
The Surprising Triumph Of Canadian Multiculturalism

Tenants in Time
Family Strategies, Land, and Liberalism in Upper Canada, 1799-1871

Captain Alex MacLean
Jack London's Sea Wolf

At the Far Reaches of Empire
The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra

Griffith Taylor
Visionary, Environmentalist, Explorer

Lord Selkirk
A Life