Browse Books in Canada

Give and Take
The Citizen-Taxpayer and the Rise of Canadian Democracy

Montreal, City of Water
An Environmental History

Travellers Through Empire
Indigenous Voyages from Early Canada

The Legacy Letters
How Trauma Affects Our Lives

Victor and Evie
British Aristocrats in Wartime Rideau Hall

The Best of Robert Service

Roads to Confederation
The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 1

The Mill
Fifty Years of Pulp and Protest

The First World War in a Canadian Town

Kwaday Dan Tsinchi
Teachings from Long Ago Person Found

The Best of All Possible Worlds

The Price of Alliance
The Politics and Procurement of Leopard Tanks for Canada’s NATO Brigade

Rescue at Moose River

Explosion in Halifax Harbour, 1917

The Toronto Maple Leafs
The Complete Oral History

Starving Ukraine
The Holodomor and Canada's Response

An Algonquin Maiden
A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada

Alfred Valdmanis and the Politics of Survival

Science in Canada
Selections from the Speeches of E.W.R. Steacie

The Reckoning
Canadian Prisoners of War in the Great War

A Memoir of Family, Seagram, Baseball, and Philanthropy

The Book of Lists
Revised and Updated and Even More Canadian

Ten Decisions
Canada’s Best, Worst, and Most Far-Reaching Decisions of the Second World War

Witness to Loss
Race, Culpability, and Memory in the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians