Browse Books in History
Tilikum Luxton's Pacific Crossing

Kootenai Brown

The Girl and the Game
A History of Women's Sport in Canada, Second Edition
Escape From Pannonia
A Tale Of Two Survivors

Waking the Dictator
Veracruz, the Struggle for Federalism and the Mexican Revolution, 1870-1927

Homoerotic Space
The Poetics of Loss in Renaissance Literature

Discovering Canada
Teacher's Resource
Walking Since Daybreak
A Story Of Eastern Europe, World War II

Selling Illusions Revised Edition
The Cult Of Multi Culturalism In Canada

Structural Idealism
A Theory of Social and Historical Explanation

Lonely Cold War of Pope Pius XII
The Roman Catholic Church and the Division of Europe, 1943-1950
The Lonely Cold War of Pope Pius XII
The Roman Catholic Church and the Division of Europe, 1943-1950

Fast Sailing and Copper-Bottomed
Aberdeen Sailing Ships and the Emigrant Scots They Carried to Canada, 1774-1855

Giving Birth in Canada, 1900-1950
War Criminal on Trial
Rauca of Kaunas
Tales Of An Empty Cabin
Shadows of War, Faces of Peace
Canada's Peascekeepers

Between Sea and Sky
Strange and Unique Stories of the Sea from the Shipping Files of Robert C. Parsons

Judge's Wife, The
Memoirs of a BC Pioneer

Islam and Bosnia
Conflict Resolution and Foreign Policy in Multi-Ethnic States

Distant Relations
How My Ancestors Colonized North America

Transitions in Society
The Challenge of Change

Professing English
A Life of Roy Daniells

The Woman and the Hour
Harriet Martineau and Victorian Ideologies