Browse Books in History

The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake

Walking Fingers
The Story of Polio and Those Who Lived With It

The Tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle

Sweep You Across for a Penny, Ma'am
Stories from St. John's and Beyond

The School Promoters
Education and Social Class in Mid-Nineteenth Century Upper Canada

Cultures of Citizenship in Post-war Canada, 1940 - 1955

Packhorses to the Pacific
A Wilderness Honeymoon

A Keen Soldier
The Execution of Second World War Private Harold Pringle
West Side Stories

Deportation of the Acadians

Full Circle
A Life with Hong Kong and China
Historic Guysborough

Historic Churches of PEI (2nd Ed)

Scottish Lights

The Slocan; Portrait of a Valley
The Romance of Alberta Settlements

Prairie Twins
Alberta and Saskatchewan Photographic Memories, 1905–2005

Great Stanley Cup Victories
Glorious Moments in Hockey

Islam, Charity, and Activism
Middle-Class Networks and Social Welfare in Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen

Ontario Murders
Mysteries, Scandals, and Dangerous Criminals

Urban street furniture in Canada

Deadly Innocent

La Gouvernance linguistique
Le Canada en perspective

Toute une histoire
Les boîtes aux lettres canadiennes