Browse Books in History

Intent for a Nation
What is Canada For?

Give Your Other Vote to the Sister
A Woman's Journey into the Great War

A Very Fine Class of Immigrants
Prince Edward Island's Scottish Pioneers, 1770-1850

The Lumberjacks

Much to Be Done
Private Life in Ontario From Victorian Diaries

After the Hector
The Scottish Pioneers of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, 1773-1852

Indonesia Journal
April 2007

Momigliano and Antiquarianism
Foundations of the Modern Cultural Sciences

Agents of Empire
British Female Migration to Canada and Australia, 1860-1930

The Life of a Cottage Hospital
The Bonne Bay Experience

Talk of the Nation
Language and Conflict in Romania and Slovakia

Dancing Around the Elephant
Creating a Prosperous Canada in an Era of American Dominance, 1957-1973

Colonial Land Policies in Palestine 1917-1936

The Chemical Weapons Taboo

Around the Shores of Lake Superior
A Guide to Historic Sites

The Sleeping Buddha
The story of Afghanistan through the eyes of one family

Where Stories Meet

Banff Springs The Story of a Hotel

The Oxford Roof Climber's Rebellion

A History of Science in Society
A Reader
The Cypress Hills
An Island by Itself

The Canadian Battlefields in Italy: Ortona and the Liri Valley
Ortona and the Liri Valley

My Parents
Memoirs of New World Icelanders

J. Wendell Macleod
Saskatchewan's Red Dean