Browse Books in History

Stronger Together

Alone in the Storm

You Might Be From Newfoundland And Labrador If...

The Oxford History of Historical Writing
Volume 5: Historical Writing Since 1945

The Oxford History of Historical Writing
Volume 3: 1400-1800

Holocaust Survivors in Canada
Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955

We’re Going to Run This City
Winnipeg's Political Left after the General Strike

A Beautiful Sight
Stories from the Port of St. John's

Wall Flower
A Life on the German Border

The Charlottetown Conference
And the Birth of Confederation

The Edwardses of Halifax
The Making and Selling of Beautiful Books in London and Halifax, 1749-1826

History's People
Personalities and the Past

Mary’s Mother
Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe

British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters
A History in Photographs

Civic Symbol
Creating Toronto's New City Hall, 1952-1966

A Graphic Novel

Big Tent Politics
The Liberal Party’s Long Mastery of Canada’s Public Life

Latch String Out

A History of the Park and Town

Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest
Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada

Into that Heaven of Freedom
The impact of apartheid on an Indian family's diasporic history

Till the Boys Come Home
Life on the Home Front in Queens County, NB, 1914-1918

The Morning After
The 1995 Quebec Referendum and the Day that Almost Was

When Ballet Became French
Modern Ballet and the Cultural Politics of France, 1909-1958