Browse Books in History

The Toronto Book of Love

Questions of Order
Confederation and the Making of Modern Canada

Seen but Not Seen
Influential Canadians and the First Nations from the 1840s to Today
Africa and the Shaping of International Human Rights

Peggy's Cove
The Amazing History of a Coastal Village

Early Modern British Siege Literature, 1642-1722

Workers' Self-Management in Argentina
Contesting Neo-Liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión

Canada and the Ukrainian Crisis

How the West Was Written
The Life and Times of James H. Gray

Les grands rêveurs: le cahier d'activités pour enfants sur l'histoire des Noirs au Canada volume 1

The Unsung Great
Stories of Extraordinary Japanese Americans

Entangling the Quebec Act
Transnational Contexts, Meanings, and Legacies in North America and the British Empire

From Malaise to Meltdown
The International Origins of Financial Folly, 1844-

Canada's Other Red Scare
Indigenous Protest and Colonial Encounters during the Global Sixties

Why We Fight
New Approaches to the Human Dimension of Warfare

Trust and Mistrust in Civil Wars

Chicago's Industrial Decline
The Failure of Redevelopment, 1920-1975

Ivan Mazepa and the Russian Empire

Fool's Gold
The Life and Legacy of Vancouver's Official Town Fool

Beyond Fabergé
Imperial Russian Jewelry

Unsung Heroes of the Canadian Army
Incredible Tales of Courage and Daring from the Second World War

Unsung Heroes of the Canadian Army
Incredible Tales of Courage and Daring from the Second World War

Doodem and Council Fire
Anishinaabe Governance through Alliance

The Violence of Work
New Essays in Canadian and US Labour History