Browse Books in History

Life on the American Frontier
Land of a Thousand Sorrows
The Australian Prison Journal, 1840-1842 of Exiled Canadien Patriote, Francois-Maurice Lepailleur

Alaska No.8 - Huslia - Simon
Edwin Simon - A Biography

Alaska No.4 - Evansville - Tobuk
Frank Tobuk - A Biography

Alaska No.5 - Hughes - J.Beetus
Joe Beetus - A Biography - Hughes

Alaska No.2 - Alatna - Nictune
Oscar Nictune Sr. - A Biography

Alaska No.6 - Koyukuk - Solomon
Madeline Solomon - A Biography

Alaska No.3 - Hughes - H.Beatus
Henry Beatus Sr. - A Biography

Alaska No.7 - Koyukuk - Dayton
Roger Dayton - A Biography

Alaska No.1 - Allakaket - Henzie
Moses Henzie - A Biography
The Colliers Tattletale

Vancouver: An Illustrated History

Long Way From Home
The Story of the Sixties Generation in Canada

Art of the Haida

From a Coastal Kitchen
Food & Flavor from Lull Bay

Border Book

Fifty Years on Theatre Row
It Happened in Nova Scotia
The Akerman Years
Jeremy Akerman and the Nova Scotia NDP, 1965-1980
Masters of Their Own Destiny
The Highland Heart in Nova Scotia
Through the Corridors of Hell

Strangers in Blood
Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country