Browse Books in History

In the Days of the Red River Rebellion

Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire

Canadians and their environment

Perspectives on Women in the 1980s

Tonneliers du Québec

Attorney for the Frontier
Enos Stutsmon

Protestantisme français au Québec, 1840-1919
Images et témoignages

Partners in Furs
A History of the Fur Trade in Eastern James Bay, 1600-1870


Willie : A Romance
Volume 1 of the King Years

Walter Gordon
A Political Memoir

Raincoast Chronicles Six/Ten

Industry in the Wilderness
The People, the Buildings, the Machines — Heritage in Northwestern Ontario

A Peculiar Kind of Politics
Canada's Overseas Ministry in the First World War
Millennialism, Utopianism, and Progress
The Sectarian Spirit
Sectarianism, Society, and Politics in Victorian Cotton Towns

Gardens, Covenants, Exiles
Loyalism in the Literature of Upper Canada/Ontario

Canada and the Constitution 1979-1982

William Arthur Deacon
A Canadian Literary Life
A Victorian Authority
The Daily Press in Late Nineteenth-Century Canada

Massa's Short History of the Muscovite Wars

A Reader's Guide to Canadian History 1
Beginnings to Confederation

Trade Unions in Canada 1812-1902

Revolutionary Vanguard
The Early Years of the Communist Youth International 1914-1924