Browse Books in History

Private Practice, Public Payment
Canadian Medicine and the Politics of Health Insurance, 1911-1966

Battlefields of Canada
A Conjunction of Interests
Business, Politics, and Tariffs, 1825-1879

In Its Corporate Capacity
The Seminary of Montreal as a Business Institution, 1816-1876

Cumberland / Westmoreland / Gloucestershire

Natives and Newcomers
Canada's "Heroic Age" Reconsidered

Maturing in Hard Times
Canada's Department of Finance through the Great Depression

The Anglo-Saxons
Synthesis and Achievement

Crime and the Courts in England 1660-1800
The Junction Country
Lower Mainland Backroads: Boston Bar to Clinton
Stef A Biography Bh

Fish Out of Water
The Newfoundland Saltfish Trade 1814-1914

Regards sur les Essais

The Marvellous Century
Archaic Man and the Awakening of Reason

Sir John Johnson
Loyalest Baronet

Joseph Brant
A Man for His People

Amazing Newfoundland Stories
Silver Harvest
The Fundy Weirmens Story

A Literary and Linguistic History of New Brunswick
Journeys to the Japanese, 1952-1979

Quest for Empire
The Sage of Russian America

Lights of the Inside Passage
A History of British Columbia's Lighthouses and their Keepers

Will the Real Gordon Sinclair Please Sit Down