Browse Books in History

Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948
Volume 1: Debates. Volume 2: Reports and Papers.
The Newfoundland National Convention, 1946-1948
Volume 1: Debates. Volume 2: Reports and Papers.

Marriage or Celibacy?
The Daily Telegraph on a Victorian Dilemma

Canada Dry
Temperance Crusades before Confederation
When Whiskey Ruled the West
Red Lights on the Prairies

Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume 2
Coming of Age, 1946-1968

Hired Hands
Labour and the Development of Prairie Agriculture, 1880-1930

Count Not the Dead
The Popular Image of the German Submarine

Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on Acts, Volume 50

Beyond Mexico

Trudeau and the End of a Canadian Dream

Rulers of Babylonia
From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC)

Padres in No Man's Land, First Edition
Canadian Chaplains and the Great War

Padres in No Man's Land
Canadian Chaplains and the Great War

The Canadian Cowboy
Stories of Cows, Cowboys and Cayuses

Four Quarters of the Night
The Life-Journey of an Emigrant Sikh

Blackouts to Bright Lights
Canadian War Bride Stories

The Face Pullers
Photographing Native Canadians 1871-1939

From Arm's Length to Hands-On
The Formative Years of Ontario's Public Service, 1867-1940

Crimes, Constables, and Courts
Order and Transgression in a Canadian City, 1816-1970

Feminist Challenge to the Canadian Left, 1900-1918

Ideal Surroundings
Domestic Life in a Working-Class Suburb in the 1920s