Browse Books in Epic
The Unholy Consult
The Aspect-Emperor: Book Four
Cast in Oblivion
Mareas de media noche / Midnight Tides
A King in Cobwebs
The Tales of Durand, Book Three
Sasquatch and the Green Sash
The Grass People
Grass People, The
Ukraine Undone
La casa de las cadenas / House of Chains
The Emissary
The Warrior Queen
In a Time of Treason
The Tales of Durand, Book Two
Deadhouse Landing
A Novel of the Malazan Empire
Orope -The White Snake
In the Eye of Heaven
The Tales of Durand, Book One
Cast in Sorrow
Cast in Peril
Memorias del hielo / Memories of Ice
Forge of Darkness
Book One of the Kharkanas Trilogy (A Novel of the Malazan Empire)
Fall of Light
Book Two of the Kharkanas Trilogy
The Flaw in the Stone
The Alchemists’ Council, Book 2