Memorias del hielo es la tercera entrega de la saga «Malaz: El Libro de los Caídos», la decalogía originalmente publicada entre 1999 y 2011 que ha convertido al escritor canadiense Steven Erikson en una de las mayores voces de la fantasía épica contemporánea. Desde entonces, esta obra maestra de la imaginación está considerada una de las series más ambiciosas del género de los últimos años.
Una fuerza aterradora ha surgido en el continente asolado de Genabackis. Como una marea de sangre corrompida, el Dominio Painita cruza el continente como lava hirviente que consume a todos los que no escuchan la palabra de su profeta, el Vidente Painita. En su camino se interpone una alianza incómoda: la hueste de Dujek Unbrazo y los veteranos Abrasapuentes de Whiskeyjack, junto con antiguos adversarios: el caudillo Caladan Brood, Anomander Rake y sus tiste andii. Superados en número y desconfiando de todo y de todos, deben hacer llegar el mensaje a cualquier posible aliado, incluyendo las Espadas Grises, una hermandad mercenaria que ha jurado defender a toda costa la ciudad sitiada de Capustan.
Pero son más los clanes antiguos que se están reuniendo. Los t#lan imass se alzan para responder a una antigua llamada primitiva. Algo maligno amenaza este mundo: las sendas están envenenadas y abundan los rumores sobre un dios que se ha deshecho de sus cadenas y está empeñado en vengarse...
The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin. Like a tide of corrupted blood, it seethes across the land, devouring all.
In its path stands an uneasy alliance: Onearm's army and Whiskeyjack's Bridgeburners alongside their enemies of old--the forces of the Warlord Caladan Brood, Anomander Rake and his Tiste Andii mages, and the Rhivi people of the plains.
But ancient undead clans are also gathering; the T'lan Imass have risen. For it would seem something altogether darker and more malign threatens this world. Rumors abound that the Crippled God is now unchained and intent on a terrible revenge.
Marking the return of many characters from Gardens of the Moon and introducing a host of remarkable new players, Memories of Ice is both a momentous new chapter in Steven Erikson's magnificent epic fantasy and a triumph of storytelling.
About the author
Steven Erikson is a New York Times bestselling author renown for writing The Malazan Book of the Fallen, a ten-volume series that has sold millions of copies worldwide and is recognized as number two of the top 10 fantasy books by Fantasy Book Review and one of 30 best fantasy series of all time by Paste Magazine. He is a trained archaeologist and anthropologist who has published over twenty books, most of which explore notions of privilege, power hierarchies, and the rise and fall of civilizations, or take the piss out of the same. Erikson has been nominated for the Locus Award four times and the World Fantasy Award twice. His next novel Rejoice, a Knife to the Heart, is an SF First Contact story, due out in October, 2018. He lives in Victoria, B.C. with his lovely wife Clare.
Other titles by
House of Chains
Malazan Book of the Fallen 4
Midnight Tides
(Malazan Book of the Fallen 5)
Gardens Of The Moon
(Malazan Book Of The Fallen 1)
The Bonehunters
Malazan Book Of Fallen 6
Reaper's Gale
The Malazan Book of the Fallen 7
Deadhouse Gates
Malazan Book of the Fallen 2
Memories of Ice
(Malazan Book of the Fallen: Book 3)
The Second Collected Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
Three Short Novels of the Malazan Empire
The God Is Not Willing
Book One of the Witness Trilogy: A Novel of the Malazan World
The God is Not Willing
The First Tale of Witness