Browse Books in Higher
Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers
Gender Inequality in the Canadian Academy
Around the Kitchen Table
Métis Aunties' Scholarship
Success in Graduate School and Beyond
A Guide for STEM Students and Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Project Management and Leadership
A Handbook for Everyone
Greening Social Work Education
Learning in a Time of Abundance
The Community Is the Curriculum
Social Justice Pedagogies
Multidisciplinary Practices and Approaches
How Education Works
Teaching, Technology, and Technique
Reparative Universities
Why Diversity Alone Won't Solve Racism in Higher Ed
The Academic Avant-Garde
Poetry and the American University
The Future of Sustainability Education at North American Universities
Unsettling the University
Confronting the Colonial Foundations of US Higher Education
Transverse Disciplines
Queer-Feminist, Anti-racist, and Decolonial Approaches to the University
Voices from the Digital Classroom
25 Interviews about Teaching and Learning in the Face of a Global Pandemic
University Governance in Canada
Navigating Complexity
The New Spirit of Creativity
Work, Compromise, and the Art and Design University
Reading across the Disciplines
Curriculum Design and Praxis in Language Teaching
A Globally Informed Approach
The Successful TA
A Practical Approach to Effective Teaching
Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy
Teaching, Learning, and Researching while Black
University Women
A History of Women and Higher Education in Canada
Coloniality and Racial (In)Justice in the University
Counting for Nothing?
The Elective Mind
Philosophy and the Undergraduate Degree