Browse Books in Drama
Evangeline the Second
A Play
Local Boy Makes Good
The Rez Sisters
The Haunted Castle/Robena's Rose-Coloured Glasses
Two Children's Plays
Let's Hear it for Christmas/The Naciwonki Cap
Two Children's Plays
English Renaissance Tragedy
Goodnight Disgrace
The Trial of Judith K.
The Fighting Days
Theatre in French Canada
Laying the Foundations 1606-1867
Theatre in French Canada
Laying the Foundations 1606-1867
White Biting Dog
Magic Trumpet
Remember Me
Saga of the Wet Hens
The Rivals
(Les Corrivaus)
Cold Comfort
a play of love & bondage
The Fairies Are Thirsty
Billy Bishop Goes to War
The Scruffy Scoundrels
(Gli Straccioni)