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Browse Books in Literary

Better Place

by (author) Duane Murray
illustrated by Shawn Daley


by (artist) Alison McCreesh


by (artist) Graeme Shorten Adams

This is How I Disappear

translated by Aleshia Jensen, Bronwyn Haslam & Aleshia Jensen and Bronwyn Haslam
by (author) Mirion Malle

Coming to Canada

by (author) Starkie Mak


by (artist) Stanley Wany

Wendy's Revenge

by (author) Walter Scott


by (author) Walter Scott

Rebecca and Lucie in the Case of the Missing Neighbor

by (author) Pascal Girard
translated by Aleshia Jensen & Helge Dascher

Factory Summers

by (author) Guy Delisle
translated by Helge Dascher & Rob Aspinall

Fictional Father

by (author) Joe Ollmann

Cyclopedia Exotica

by (author) Aminder Dhaliwal

Day Old

by (artist) Joe Ollmann

The Water Lover

by (artist) Patrick Allaby

The Pleasure of the Text

by (artist) Sami Alwani

Represented Immobilized

by (artist) Rick Trembles

Lazarillo de Tormes

A Graphic Novel

by (author) Enriqueta Zafra
illustrated by Jesús Mora

Heaven No Hell

by (author) Michael DeForge

Okay, Universe

Chronicles of a Woman in Politics

by (author) Valérie Plante
illustrated by Delphie Côté-Lacroix
translated by Helge Dascher

Paul at Home

by (author) Michel Rabagliati
translated by Helge Dascher & Rob Aspinall

Lonely Boys

by (author) Sophie Bédard
translated by Helge Dascher & Robin Lang

To Know You're Alive

by (author) Dakota McFadzean

The League of Super Feminists

translated by Aleshia Jensen
by (author) Mirion Malle

El cuento de la criada (Novela gráfica) / The Handmaid's Tale (Graphic Novel)

by (author) Margaret Atwood

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