Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Play with Chirp
Puzzles, Mazes, Games, and more!

Allons aux citrouilles!

I Did It Because
How a Poem Happens

I Found a Dead Bird
The Kids' Guide to the Cycle of Life and Death

How Hockey Works

What a Hippopota-Mess!

Change It!
Solids, Liquids, Gases and You

Loonies and Toonies
A Canadian Number Book

City Colors

What a Hippopota-Mess!

My First French/English Visual Dictionary

My First Spanish/English Visual Dictionary

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Guide
Le parcours Routes de Paroles Enfance - Présentation

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Livre de l'enfant

The Battles of the War of 1812
Adventures in Canadian History

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Feuillets et matériel
Cahier de catéchèse
Dancing Elephants and Floating Continents
The Story of Canada Beneath Your Feet

Child of the Holocaust

How Animals Use Their Senses

Stuff to Hold Your Stuff

Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art, The

How Animals Defend Themselves

Kids Book of Canadian Immigration, The

Jurassic Poop
What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind