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Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Play with Chirp

Puzzles, Mazes, Games, and more!

illustrated by Bob Kain

Allons aux citrouilles!

by (author) Megan Faulkner
photographs by Adam Krawesky

I Did It Because

How a Poem Happens

illustrated by Michael Martchenko
by (author) Loris Lesynski

I Found a Dead Bird

The Kids' Guide to the Cycle of Life and Death

by (author) Jan Thornhill

How Hockey Works

by (author) Keltie Thomas
illustrated by Greg Hall

What a Hippopota-Mess!

by (author) Pat Lamondin Skene
illustrated by Graham Ross

Change It!

Solids, Liquids, Gases and You

by (author) Adrienne Mason
illustrated by Claudia Dávila

Loonies and Toonies

A Canadian Number Book

by (author) Michael Ulmer
illustrated by Melanie Rose

City Colors

by (author) Zoran Milich

What a Hippopota-Mess!

by (author) Pat Lamondin Skene
illustrated by Graham Ross

My First French/English Visual Dictionary

by (author) Jean-Claude Corbeil & Ariane Archambault

My First Spanish/English Visual Dictionary

by (author) Jean-Claude Corbeil & Ariane Archambault

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Guide

Le parcours Routes de Paroles Enfance - Présentation

contributions by Diocèse Saint-Jean-Longueuil & Office de catéchèse du Québec
by (author) Rémi Bourdon

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Livre de l'enfant

contributions by Diocèse Saint-Jean-Longueuil & Office de catéchèse du Québec
by (author) Rémi Bourdon

The Battles of the War of 1812

Adventures in Canadian History

by (author) Pierre Berton
foreword by Charlotte Gray

Mène-nous vers Jérusalem. Feuillets et matériel

Cahier de catéchèse

contributions by Diocèse St-Jean-de-Longueuil & Office de catéchèse du Québec
by (author) Rémi Bourdon

Dancing Elephants and Floating Continents

The Story of Canada Beneath Your Feet

by (author) John Wilson

Child of the Holocaust

by (author) Jack Kuper

How Animals Use Their Senses

by (author) Pamela Hickman
illustrated by Pat Stephens

Stuff to Hold Your Stuff

by (author) Ellen Warwick
illustrated by Bernice Lum

Jumbo Book of Outdoor Art, The

illustrated by Irene Luxbacher

How Animals Defend Themselves

by (author) Etta Kaner
illustrated by Pat Stephens

Kids Book of Canadian Immigration, The

by (author) Deborah Hodge
illustrated by John Mantha

Jurassic Poop

What Dinosaurs (and Others) Left Behind

by (author) Jacob Berkowitz
illustrated by Steve Mack

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