Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction


ABC of Canada

Our Canadian Flag

Kids' Healthy Cooking
Awesome New Recipes to Build Better Bodies

Mangeoires d'oiseaux

Skating Superstars
Bilingual Kids: English-French, vol. 3, Resource Book
Bilingual Kids: English-French, vol. 1, Resource Book
Bilingual Kids: English-French, vol. 2, Resource Book
Bilingual Kids: English-French, vol. 4, Resource Book
French for Kids: Beginning Lessons, Resource Book
French for Kids: Thematic Lessons, Resource Book
Bilingual Songs: English-French, vol. 3, CD/Book Kit
Bilingual Songs: English-French, vol. 4, CD/Book Kit

Incredible Women Inventors
Bilingual Songs: English-French, vol. 3, Audio CD
Bilingual Songs: English-French, vol. 4, Audio CD

Pierre Elliot Trudeau (JR)
The Prime Minister That Canadians Either Loved or Hated

The Mounties (JR)
Tales of Adventure and Danger From the Early Days

The Avro Arrow Story (JR)
The Impossible Dream

Roberta Bondar (JR)
The Exceptional Achievements of Canada's First Woman Astronaut

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Extreme Canadian Weather (JR)
Freakish Storms and Sudden Disasters

Hudson's Bay Company Adventures (JR)
Tales of Canada's Early Fur Traders