Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

The War of 1812 Against the States (JR)
Heroes of a Great Canadian Victory

Women Explorers (JR)
100 Years of Mountain Adventure

The Incredible Adventures of Louis Riel (JR)
Canada's Most Famous Revelutionary

Toronto Maple Leafs (JR)
Stories of Canada's Legendary Team

The Halifax Explosion (JR)
Surviving the Blast That Shook A Nation

Early Voyageurs (JR)
The Incredible Adventures of the Fearless Fur Traders

Our New Home
Immigrant Children Speak

Astonishing Women Artists

Exceptional Women Environmentalists

Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp
More about Verbs

Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know
What Is a Synonym?

K is for Kick
A Soccer Alphabet

W is for Wind
A Weather Alphabet

A Teen's Guide to Astrology

Tommy Douglas

Motoring into the Wild World of Racing

Deal with it all in good time

¿Qué es un dinosaurio?

¿Qué es un perro?