Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Lights, Camera, Action!
Making Movies and TV from the Inside Out

Mon ami le soleil

Factory Girl

One Well
The Story of Water on Earth
Rich by Thirty
A Young Adult's Guide to Financial Success

Kids Do Snacks
Fun Food for Kids to Make

George Washington Carver
An Innovative Life
Bilingual Preschool: English-French, CD/Book Kit
Bilingual Preschool: English-Spanish, CD/Book Kit
Fonética Funky, CD/Book Kit
Charles Darwin
Leonardo da Vinci

Great Women from our First Nations

Between Two Worlds
A Story about Pearl Buck
Bilingual Preschool: English-Spanish, Audio CD
Bilingual Preschool: English-French, Audio CD
Fonética Funky, Audio CD

Claire's Race 6-pk.

Making Choices 6-pk.

Lost in the Blizzard 6-pk.

The Great Raccoon Adventure

Lost in the Blizzard

Making Choices