Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Anne of Green Gables Diary

Passion for Fashion
Careers in Style

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

It's Moving Day!

Enchantment of the World: United States of America

Scholastic News Nonfiction Reader: Space Science: Comets
Scholastic Choices: Your Space
Dealing with Friends and Peers

24/7: Science Behind the Scenes: Mystery Files: UFOs
What Scientists Say May Shock You!

24/7: Science Behind the Scenes: Mystery Files: Mind Readers
The Science of ESP
Shockwave: Kids Have Rights Too!

Ha! Ha! Ha! And Much More
The Ultimate Round-Up of Jokes, Riddles, Facts, & Puzzles

Amazing Things Animals Do

How Baseball Works

Mark Twain
An American Star

The Curse of Akkad
Climate Upheavals That Rocked Human History