Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Explore The Animals
Northwest Coast First Nations and Native Art Colouring and Learning Book

Kings and Carpenters
100 Bible Land Jobs You Might Have Praised or Panned

Proud to Be Inuvialuit
Quviahuktunga Inuvialuugama
City Speaks In Drums Book & CD

The Weber Street Wonder Work Crew

City Speaks In Drums

Deal with it before the joke's on you

Deal with it and Ctrl Alt Delete it

Lady Treble & the Seven Notes

Racism Deal With It
Deal with it before it gets under your skin

Arguing Deal With It
Deal with it word by word

Gossip Deal With It
Deal with it before word gets around

The Miranda Cosgrove & iCarly Spectacular!
Unofficial & Unstoppable

Canada Close Up: Yukon
The Miranda Cosgrove and iCarly Spectacular!
Unofficial & Unstoppable

Canada Close Up: Northwest Territories

When the Spirits Dance

Fighting Deal With It
Deal with it without coming to blows

I Like to Play
World Vision Early Reader Series

Cyclist BikeList
The Book for Every Rider


Pierre the Penguin
A True Story

Eagle of the Sea