Browse Books in Pre-confederation (to 1867)
Ohé! Mission : archéologue!
Les artefacts archéologiques de la Maison Nivard-De Saint-Dizier
Ohé! La maison fantôme
Les artisans de la Nouvelle-France avec le Musée des métiers d’arts du Québec
La bottine de Rivière-des-Caches
Blue Camas, Blue Camas
The Sequel to My Indian
Amō's Sapotawan
Les pirates d'outre-tombe
The Knotted Rope
The Gift of the Little People
A Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Ithiniwak Story
Iain of New Scotland
with a foreword by Diana Gabaldon
My Indian
Lost in Barkerville
Lost in Barkerville
La promesse du bout du monde
Pīsim Finds Her Miskanaw
The Lookout Tree
A Family's Escape from the Acadian Deportation
Jacques' Escape
Secrets of Sable Island
Journey to the Winter Camp
English Edition
Journey to the Winter Camp
Inuktitut Edition
The Nor'Wester
Dear Canada: Hoping for Home
Stories of Arrival