Browse Books in Boys & Men

Christmas Belle, A

Rex Zero, the Great Pretender

Martin Bridge: Onwards and Upwards!

Dinosaur Fever

Rex Zero, King of Nothing

Into the Ravine

Martin Bridge: Out of Orbit!


Exploits of a Reluctant (But Extremely Goodlooking) Hero

Blood of the Donnellys

Demon in My View

Mystery at Shildii Rock

The Doctor's Apprentice
A Barkerville Mystery

Rex Zero and the End of the World

Chasing the Arrow

By the Skin of His Teeth
A Barkerville Mystery

Pomiuk, Prince of the North

Finders Keepers

Murder on the Ridge

Star Jumper
Journal of a Cardboard Genius

The Roman Conspiracy

Four Steps to Death

Boy of the Deeps

Bud, Not Buddy
(Newbery Medal Winner)